These are the most common questions for the AI I am working with to ask with the answers to those questions
1. What is the purpose of the storage.js file? It seems to be empty right now.
Answer: storage.js will latter contain the code to deal with any storage boxes in particular what they store and the requirements to open the storage boxes however I have yet to get to that point in development so the file is blank.
2. How do you plan to implement the combat system? I noticed you have some variables for HP, defence and attack, but no functions or events related to them.
Answer: this is intended to be created far latter into development once I have stat manipulation consumable items and equipment working properly and an monster spawning in a new room I will create called test monster room. Then I will implement a full combat system however we are not going to get to that most likely in this conversation
3. How do you plan to populate the inventory with items and equipment? I noticed you have some classes and arrays for them, but no methods or logic to add or remove them from the inventory.
Answer: as for the player inventory I technically have a pick up button that removes it from the rooms inventory and adds them to the players inventory. I have been trying and failing to get the player inventory to work the same as the room inventory. so as a reasult there is probably quite a bit of junk code from failed attempts.
4. How do you plan to make the game more interactive and engaging? Right now, it seems like the player can only move between rooms and see their stats, but there is no story, dialogue, puzzles, quests or choices.
Answer: as for interaction and engagement I have a plan first I need to get all item functions working and then we will work on implementing storage boxes and enemies once that is done we will work on NPC's then if I have done everything properly I should easily be able to implement a story. As for twine and similar programs I tried quite a few but most of them have to be run with certain programs (like .quest files) or they can only do a progression story and not a location based story without extreme amounts of work around’s (twine) after seeing this I decided to make my own program to achieve this and the first step is to create a game with modular parts.
5. How do you plan to test and debug your code? Do you have any tools or frameworks that you use or recommend?
Answer: I keep 2 copies of the code 1. Old copy where everything was functioning without errors so I can return to it if I break something and 2. New copy where I make edits in order to upgrade the code. When the new code shows bugs in chrome Dev mode I give it to you in the order (relevant lines)(the error)(any additional information) then I use your recordation to solve it however if we have not solved a game breaking the error by the end of our 30 part conversation I go back to its last functional point.
6. How do you plan to create more rooms and items for the game? I noticed that you have defined some classes and objects for rooms and items, but I did not see any way to generate them dynamically or randomly. Do you have a map or a story outline for the game?
Answer: By using a standard format I intend to make it easy for me to add rooms , items , objects and anything else
7. How do you plan to save and load the game state? I noticed that you have an empty storage.js file, but I did not see any code for using local storage or cookies to store the player’s progress and inventory.
Answer: Honestly I have no clue how to set up a save and load function plans for that will be implemented latter once I have looked up how to implement this
8. What is the theme or genre of your game? What kind of story or setting do you have in mind for it? Is it a fantasy, sci-fi, horror, comedy, or something else?
Answer: While I am designing features and testing them there will be no theme however once that is done it will change to fantasy sci fi
9. How do you want the player to feel when they play your game?
Answer: Probably some of everything with emotions changing as the player gets more information again this will also only be implemented once all mechanics are working
10. Why are you using var instead of let or const for your variables? Using var can lead to unexpected behavior and scoping issues
Answer: honestly didn't know about those problems and I have been using const for things that are in standard format and var for things that are not also I only learned about let while doing this project about half way through
11. why are you using global variables for your game state instead of using a class or an object? Global variables can cause problems with scope and readability of your code. It might be better to use a class or an object to store your game state and pass it as a parameter to your functions. This way, you can avoid potential conflicts and bugs with other variables or scripts.
answer: fair point but untill about half way through this project I did not know there was a difference so I may fix it at some point but that will be latter.
12. how do you plan to implement the combat system for your game? I see that you have some functions for calculating damage and health, but I don’t see how you are going to handle the turn-based combat logic. Do you have a design document or a pseudocode for your combat system? If not, I suggest you create one before writing the actual code. This will help you organize your thoughts and make sure you cover all the possible scenarios and outcomes.
answer: as for combat currently I am no where near ready to program that yet however I do have a vauge plan.
13. What is the purpose of the storage.js file? How do you plan to use it in your game?
answer: in storage.js there is intended to be a few things I am not yet ready to implment however it is intended to deal with chests and aditional inventorys as well as any restrictions on opening those boxes beyond a lock and key
14. How do you handle the inventory system for the player and the items they can pick up or drop?
Answer: there are quite a few failed attempts at this already in the code the plan is to implment all mechanics for the room inventory first and then add in the mechanics for the player inventory.
15. How do you save and load the game progress for the player?
answer: not implmented yet this will be worked on once I have completed everything else